Which women inspire you?
Dana Globish – US Account Director
My very first director is someone I still go to for advice. One particular morning, while waiting for the elevator, she recounted her awful night. She ended with, “But no one gives a shit,” and walked onto our floor with a big smile, ready to tackle the day. The same woman always told me, “When you feel like garbage, wear a dress. You’ll fool ‘em all.”
Your attitude is a choice. And in this business, sometimes it’s all you have. If you don’t wear a dress, make sure you wear a smile.
Philippa Davies – Creative Content Director
A woman who inspires me creatively? My grandmother, Edna. She passed away some years ago – at just 68 – from breast cancer. But she never lost her spark for life, right up until the end. She was always very active in the community, particularly in some very deprived parts of the North East. She ran writing workshops (among many other things) for women who had been the victims of violent crime and sexual abuse. The sessions provided an emotional – and very creative – outlet for these women, who were otherwise totally stifled when it came to expressing themselves about their difficult experiences. Her writing groups even went on to publish collections of their work.

My grandmother was a beautiful, remarkable, headstrong woman. And whenever I write, I try to do so with the same passion and sense of purpose that I always admired in her.
Matt Miller – Junior Developer
We both studied Computing with Game Development, we took the same modules, we learned the same things – but everyone could see Tish had something special. Great academic talent, enormous drive, a student mentor, and always happy to raise others up. In a stereotypically male-dominated field, she led the way, not just for women, but for everyone.
Always making fun and quirky games, she proved that a diversity of perspectives creates more diverse results. Now she works at Bossa Studios (famed for their own unique games) as a Technical QA, helping release the best products possible.
I’d also like to mention Girls Behind the Games – a great initiative that empowers women to make their mark in the gaming industry.
Sakiko Suga – Researcher and Associate Strategist
Shout out to Kimmy Schmidt for reminding me to never underestimate the power of positive thinking and that sometimes it’s okay to take life ten seconds at a time.
Sheri Brissenden - Vice President, Global Human Resources
Today I would like to take a moment to firstly thank all the fantastic ladies at The Frameworks and also the women I have been lucky enough to work alongside throughout my career.
Vera Arthur, VP of Marketing at Lanier (now part of RICOH), was one of my most inspirational bosses. When the event management agency we worked with went bankrupt, three weeks before the 1996 Olympics, I thought my career was over. I had individuals from offices worldwide arriving in 21 days with no tickets, transport, accommodation or food. I went to Vera in a panic and explained the situation. Mid-sentence, she stopped me and said: “Whatever has happened, has happened. You can do this. Come back when you’ve fixed it.”
Immediately, my focus changed from worry to determination. I called in favours from former colleagues, pulled people out of retirement and conjured rooms out of thin air. I also had help from two determined and level-headed ladies – Jennifer (who now works with us here at The Frameworks) and Simonetta. With all these minds coming together, we pulled it out of the bag.
Anyone would think it would be impossible to rearrange such a huge event in three weeks (it initially took three years to plan). But overall it became the best I’ve ever managed. And because of Vera’s words of wisdom, I now know that no matter what life may throw at me there’s no point losing your head – sometimes just need to park your worries until after it’s fixed.
Ben Bush - Partner and Head of Strategy
Arachne, a regular on the Guardian roster, is consistently one of the best crossword setters out there. One of far too few women in an arcane, male-dominated world. Challenging, inspirational, funny, irreverent. Everything you want in a half-hour break from the rest of the world. With people like Sarah Hayes behind the clues, the future of crosswording is going to be fun to follow.
Mollie Woolnough-Rai – Junior Writer and Social Media Executive
I have a lot to thank my mum for. Today, I want to thank her for always nurturing my creativity.
From hand-painting flower fairies on our bedroom wall to knitting me and my sister questionable jumpers covered in pompoms, my mum raised us both to express ourselves and use our imagination. And even while we were away with the fairies, she still found the time to build a business. The independent clothing boutique my parents created together is still thriving after 32 years, and I think a lot of that is down to my mum’s perseverance in pursuing her creative vision.

My sister is now an illustrator, and I write for a living. Thanks to mum, we have both learned to use our creative talents in jobs that are both inspiring and rewarding.
Scott Harrison – Full-stack Developer
Ellie (my girlfriend) is a nurse in the NHS. I find her inspirational for many reasons. One being that no matter how hard my day might have been, it pales in comparison to some of the things Ellie has to deal with.
Another is that she can work a 13-hour shift, come home and still find the energy to go for a meal or watch a movie – making time for us as a couple. Her drive puts my problems into perspective and makes me believe that if she can find the spirit to do this after such a taxing day, I can get over any of my own issues.
Jennifer Chuprun – US Client Services Director
When I was an account director for the global creative hub RR Donnelley I had a lot on my plate – from educating the sales team on the value of creativity to bringing in revenue. But my greatest achievement was when our team secured the creative development work for UNICEF greeting card collections in Europe. Why? Because the proceeds from the sales helped save and protect the world's most vulnerable children. We were designing for the greater good. You can see some of the designs below.

I was hired out of college by a creative agency led by an exceptional designer and businesswoman. With her leadership and guidance, I worked my way up from receptionist to account director. She taught me the value of creative, how to achieve the best work and the importance of client services. From there I’ve worked with two amazing creative directors – both women. These three females taught me how to succeed in the creative industry, where I have remained for over 20 years.
Chris Beavis – CEO, Spark
Sometimes, in business, there can be more downs than ups. At The Frameworks, we are lucky enough to have the tireless resolve of two tenacious women at our side. To Shez and Shaz, this one’s for you.
Rose Stewart – Senior Designer
I have been fortunate enough to have worked with and learned from great women my whole life. From my mum raising me with the attitude that I should do and be whatever I want, to teachers and tutors at every level of education and work. Women who were teachers, head teachers, tutors, lecturers. Women who were designers, marketing executives, directors, CEOs. Women who gave me my first job. Women who are peers, who inspire me. Women who are unrestricted and who are paving the way for generations to come.