The latest thinking
from our insatiably curious

Terry Brissenden

For the first time in 35 years, I have reached a career crossroads. It’s hard to believe. I generally ignore SatNavs and I have run a few red lights in my time, often paying the price along the way. But, just as I found with my first change of direction in the late 1980s, you find extraordinary people at the “give way” sign; sometimes they even let you in.

Matilda Duffecy

Just a few weeks ago, the thought that upcoming video shoots would have to be cancelled because of something as surreal as social distancing would have felt like – ahem – a sick joke. So much of the everyday reality of work has needed rethinking since then, but when you’re involved in creating content for brands, a lot of that being video, the need for new ways of working has been particularly pronounced.

David Alexander

What do Sainsbury’s and Beyoncé have in common? Until recently, not very much. But, thanks to a stroke of reactive marketing genius, this unlikely association brought Sainsbury’s a surge of engagement on social media. What can marketers learn from it in order to capitalise on other brands’ publicity, turn a PR disaster into a PR triumph or score serious engagement from a single post? One thing is clear: when it comes to reactive marketing, fortune favours the fast.

Matilda Duffecy

Australia has gone from sunburnt to fire-scorched in a matter of months. The frightening impact of fires so furious they generate their own weather conditions has included the startling loss of animal life (it’s estimated that up to a billion animals have died) and utter devastation to homes and property, livelihoods and any dreams of a future unscathed by climate change.

Matilda Duffecy

We love visitors at The Frameworks, and we’re always pleased to welcome people to our London studio (not only so we can show off our amazing view). Recently, we had a visitor who made an impact on all of us. A graduate who has worked hard to get through university and was keen to glean some advice on the reality of breaking into – and sustaining – a career.

The Frameworks

Today, we’re celebrating some of the inspirational women in our lives. Women who have inspired us creatively and professionally. At home and at work. Women who have played a part in shaping who we are – and continue to influence how we look at the world. Today is International Women’s Day.

The Frameworks

Tonight we hosted an event: The Art of Storytelling. With talks from the very talented and lovely @turnercontemporary @drword @wearestylus @terrybrissenden & Clive Stevens. Thank you to our insightful speakers but also to everyone who came! Our little office has never been so full!

Chris Beavis

Six months ago, The Frameworks engaged in an act of vandalism. On our clean white office walls, we broke out the Sharpies and released our inner Banksy. A few hours later, we gazed with satisfaction at the mural in front of us – and then we took a sledgehammer to it.

Philippa Davies

It has taken me nearly two years to find the courage to write this. So please bear with me. Since I wrote my last blog post, I've given birth to a beautiful baby girl (without even popping a paracetamol), taken 12 months' maternity leave to care for her full time, returned to my role as Creative Content Director (on a part-time basis) and watched more episodes of Peppa Pig than I can count. I'm a "working mum", like so many others, juggling and stressing and laughing and crying. Doing my best to be my best – at the office, at home, at the pub, at the play centre. When I'm wiping away tears. When I'm pitching to clients.

Louise Sheeran

One of the first essays I wrote at university – in the heady days of the early 2000s – was a study of the differences between email and letter writing styles. It all hinged on the shift to a more flexible, informal approach. It seems quaint to think about it, now that many of us spend more time bashing out social media posts and instant messages than we do crafting thoughtful emails. (And remind me, what is a letter?)

James Trowman

When you think of Tom and Jerry, it’s likely the first thing that springs to mind is their natural rivalry – each episode erupting into mayhem because of the comedic competition between the two characters. But if you think harder you might remember that, from time to time, the pair set aside their rivalry and defied nature to pursue a common goal. Although cat and mouse were created to be enemies, deep down they were always friends – “frenemies” before the term became mainstream.

Saxon Wyatt

Back in 2014, Kelly Slater, an 11-time world surfing champion and one of the greatest athletes of all time, made the surfing community question whether his brain was waterlogged when he parted ways with his long-term sponsor Quiksilver to pursue his own clothing brand. Walking away from a 23-year, multimillion-dollar partnership that had him made the face of surfing for three generations looked like a strange decision, to say the least. It was the equivalent of LeBron James leaving Nike or Lionel Messi dumping Adidas to start their own sports brands.

Ben Bush

Saturday saw England kick off their RBS 6 Nations campaign against France at Twickenham. I was lucky enough to be one of the 81,902 people in the crowd. I was even luckier that I was one of the 100-odd people attending as guests of Accenture, the Championship’s “Official Technology Partner”.