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Whatever business or marketing challenge you’re facing, we can face it with you.
In today’s dynamic business climate, you need a partner who can think quickly and creatively, turn your own instincts into viable strategic choices, and grasp the new opportunities technology throws up every day.
We’re The Frameworks: specialist B2B marketing agency and proudly employee-owned.

Our work

For more than 30 years, we’ve combined strategy, creativity and technology as we challenge businesses to not just capitalise on opportunities, but identify new ones. To reinvent the way they face the future – and the way they tell that story to the world.
Reinventing possibilities for some of the world’s biggest B2B brands.

Frame of Mind

We’re constantly challenging ourselves – and each other – to think beyond today’s accepted wisdom and define tomorrow’s.
James Trowman

Since the inception of The Frameworks 35 years ago, we’ve partnered with clients from IBM to Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust to interrogate their history, envision their future and design a path through it that brings their unique strengths to the fore.

Terry Brissenden

For the first time in 35 years, I have reached a career crossroads. It’s hard to believe. I generally ignore SatNavs and I have run a few red lights in my time, often paying the price along the way. But, just as I found with my first change of direction in the late 1980s, you find extraordinary people at the “give way” sign; sometimes they even let you in.