How do you reinvigorate engineers' pride in their contribution to sustainable innovation? Precisely

Yokogawa’s test and measurement business lives by one abiding belief: that reliable, precise measurement is fundamental to mankind’s ability to deliver successful and sustainable innovation.
With that in mind, we unequivocally positioned Yokogawa as the home of people who make precision – The Precision Makers.
The new brand doesn’t only champion precision in its visual application; it also personalises the business, elevating Yokogawa Test & Measurement from a supplier of technical instrumentation to partners and trusted advisers to designers and engineers everywhere.
Crucially, Yokogawa Test & Measurement needed its global employees to buy into the new identity. So we created a stirring brand film and rolled out a global brand education roadshow. The latter, delivered in six regions globally, premiered the new film and fostered a sense of belonging and pride in the brand.
With an inspiring speech from Yokogawa Test & Measurement’s president on the future direction of the company and inspiring ideas on ways to build the brand from the hundreds of employees that attended, Yokogawa T&M got precisely the reaction it wanted.